RECIPEAwa-Odori Chicken Salt Sukiyaki Hot Pot

Awa-Odori Chicken Salt Sukiyaki Hot Pot

This Sukiyaki hot pot uses salt instead of soy sauce to taste. You can enjoy full of flavors of Awa-odori chicken.
It would be great if you want to eat something light taste.

Material 2people
Awa-odori chicken thigh 200g
long green onions 3
salt 1 Tsp
sugar 1 and 1/2 Tbsp
Ichimi chili powder to taste
beaten egg to taste
Recipe / How to make
Step1 Cut the chicken thigh into 1cm wide slices,
Step2 Cut the long green onion into 1cm wide slices, diagonal.
Step3 Put the half amount of sliced green onions in a pan, spread the chicken on it, and sprinkle the half amount of salt and sugar.
Step4 Put the another half amount of sliced green onion on top of Step3, and sprinkle salt and sugar.
Put a lid and steam them in about 5 minutes on medium heat.
Step5 Stir them after the chicken is almost cooked,until cook thoroughly.
Step6 Dip the cooked ingredients in the beaten egg with Ichimi chili before eating and enjoy.