RECIPEAwaodori Chicken Nanban without Tartar Sauce

Awaodori Chicken Nanban without Tartar Sauce

This special chicken nanban has palate feeling of crispy by coating egg and flour.
Serve with sudachi has aromatic acidic flavor.

Material 4people
Awa-odori chicken breast 280g
salt 1Tsp
pinch of powder white pepper
flour 28g
egg 50g
vegetable oil for deep-fry Proper amount
vegetables for salad  Proper amount
citrus sudachi zest Proper amount
citrus sudachi juice Proper amount
<Nanban vinegar sauce>
dark soy sauce 2 Tbsp
vinegar 2 and 1/2 Tbsp
sugar 3 Tbsp
Recipe / How to make
Step1 Cut the chicken breast into half piece slices, and season salt and pepper and coat the chicken with flour
Step2 Grab a heavy bottom pan and fill it approximately 2/3 with vegetable oil before heating to 170℃. Then beat the egg in a bowl until uniform and then dip the chicken in the egg to thoroughly coat.

Gently lower the egg coated chicken skin-side down into the hot oil and then drizzle a little of the remaining egg onto the tops of each piece of chicken. The egg will quickly "bloom" and spread out like a flower bloom, fold the egg back over the chicken use tongs.

Step3 Fry the chicken until it's golden brown. Transfer the fried chicken to the wire rack to remove any excess oil.
Soak both side of fried chicken in mixed nanban vinegar sauce. Slices and serve the chicken with vegetables(as you need).
Sprinkle grated sudachi zest and Juice, serve with half cut of sudachi on the side.